St. John Fisher

St. John Fisher
Catholic Primary School

Our Lady Fatima

Year 2




We would like to take this opportunity to say hello and extend a warm welcome to the children and parents joining us in Year 2 this year. We have lots of exciting things planned and hope your children will share these experiences with you on a regular basis. They will experience new opportunities and challenges throughout the year, both inside and outside of the classroom. These will help them to develop and evolve both as learners and as a community of  St. John Fisher Primary.

The Year 2 Team

Mrs Hilario - Class Teacher

Ms Minogue - Class Teacher

Mrs Dovydaitiene - Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Sheridan - Learning Support Assistant

What Are Year 2 Learning?



PE will be on Tuesday and Thursdays  for Year 2E.

This term we will be learning hockey and orienteering.

 Reminder: School PE Kit should to be worn for all PE lessons; this includes black plimsolls/black or white trainers, black or navy shorts and a white t-shirt. Jewellery/watches are not to be worn on P.E days and long hair must be tied back. Please note, any children who are unable to take their earrings out will not be physically involved in these sessions. They will ‘take part’ by observing the lesson and assisting the class teacher.

 Year 2 Class Timetable

 Please note timetables to sometimes change across a term. 

Year 2 Learning Overview