St. John Fisher

St. John Fisher
Catholic Primary School

Our Lady Fatima

Attendance & Punctuality

Regular attendance and punctuality are crucial to children’s overall attainment. All parents have a legal responsibility to ensure children attend school each day and are only absent if they are ill or have a medical appointment which cannot be arranged outside of school hours.

If your child is unable to come to school, we kindly ask that you call the school on each day of absence and on return show a GP or medical appointment letter to a member of the office.

At St. John Fisher the learning begins as soon as the school doors are opened from 8:40 am. Instructions are given; work set and relationships developed, so making sure your child arrives on time is essential.

Regular lateness or low attendance is recorded and will be followed up by a member of senior leadership. If need be, this could be referred to the Educational Welfare Officer at the Local Authority. Family holidays should always be taken during school holidays, and we will only authorise absence during term time in exceptional circumstances. On these occasions, permission must be sought in advance from the Head of School. Please mark these letters FAO: Mr P Kenny.

 Attendance Breakdown By Month

Month %
September 94.6
October 94.8
November 94.5
December 91.5
January 90.9
February 92.6
March 93.4
April 94.9
May 93.0
June 93.9
July 92.9%