St. John Fisher

St. John Fisher
Catholic Primary School

Our Lady Fatima





Welcome to Reception, where your child begins their learning journey at St John Fisher.

During the Reception year all the children have the opportunity to explore and learn through a combination of adult guided sessions and child led activities, in our indoor and outdoor provision. Your child will learn the key foundational skills of early reading, writing and numeracy while developing their confidence, communication, creativity and understanding of the world around them.

The Reception Team

Ms Hitchcock - Class Teacher

Ms King - Class Teacher

Mrs Butler - Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Disson - Learning Support Assistant

Miss Pritchett - Learning Support Assistant

What Are Reception Learning?

In Reception Summer 1 our topic was Superhero’s.

Our work was based around the Supertato series of books, real life super hero’s and the adventures of Spidey and his amazing friends. Our focus for writing is forming letters correctly, using our sounds to spell words and writing a simple phrase or sentence.



In maths we explored pattern and 2d shapes.

In Summer 2 our topic has been the Seaside. Our books so far have been Lost on the beach and Pirate Pool. Our focus has been to write a story about our own Teddy lost on a beach.

  In maths we have been learning the mathematical language of sharing. Children learnt about grouping numbers, sharing, equal, fair, odd and even.


 Reminder: School PE Kit should to be worn for all PE lessons; this includes black plimsolls/black or white trainers, black or navy shorts and a white t-shirt. Jewellery/watches are not to be worn on P.E days and long hair must be tied back. Please note, any children who are unable to take their earrings out will not be physically involved in these sessions. They will ‘take part’ by observing the lesson and assisting the class teacher.

Reception Learning Overview

Reception Class Timetable

Please note timetables to sometimes change across a term.