St. John Fisher

St. John Fisher
Catholic Primary School

Our Lady Fatima

Catholic Life

 At St John Fisher School, our approach to nurturing children's faith and understanding of Catholicism is multifaceted and deeply ingrained in our daily life. We believe in fostering a strong sense of community and spirituality among our diverse student body.

Central to our ethos is the regular engagement of children in collective worship, where they not only deepen their knowledge of the Catholic Faith but also learn to live out their Christian values in their everyday lives. Each class participates in worship sessions weekly, led by the children themselves, showcasing their enthusiasm and eagerness to share their growing faith with others.

Moreover, our Year 6 pupils, including House Captains and RE Ambassadors, take on roles that promote responsibility and care within our community, enhancing the bonds of fellowship among students.

Our school's strong sense of family is exemplified through our vertically grouped houses, each dedicated to a patron saint, fostering a culture of support and solidarity. Through celebrations on feast days, which also serve as opportunities for charitable fundraising, children learn the importance of compassion and giving back to the community.

In addition to collective worship, our Catholic identity is expressed through various avenues, including liturgies, assemblies, prayers, and Masses, both at the class and whole-school levels. These experiences not only deepen children's relationship with God but also provide them with practical opportunities to put their faith into action.

Furthermore, our commitment to the holistic well-being of our students and staff is evident through regular reminders of their inherent worth and safety, supported by the presence of a dedicated counsellor on campus. This focus on well-being is complemented by a culture of high expectations and mutual respect, resulting in exemplary behaviour and care for one another within our school community.

Through prayer tables in classrooms, displays reflecting children's understanding of religious concepts, and learning about saints, we provide a rich environment for children to deepen their religious understanding and develop a solid foundation of faith as they navigate the complexities of the world around them. At St John Fisher School, our mission is not just a statement but a lived reality, evident in every aspect of our school life.